what we do

Since our soft launch in January, 2019, we have led a growing effort to change the culture of self-health for ministry leaders in America through print resource, respite breakaways, and peer fellowship events.  Our footprint is growing and has increased to 24 states.

our mission

To tangibly honor and connect faith centered leaders together in fellowship, becoming a strong voice of encouragement and a champion for spiritual, emotional and physical self-health. 

I cannot express how much I was blessed to be able to go see my father in his last days on earth. MVP provided me a divine opportunity for some closure, forgiveness, and retrospect that I needed. God Bless You!
— Kent S., Pastor, Nampa, Idaho

what we provide

  • book resources [ see photos ]

  • respite breakaways and vacations

  • fellowship opportunities

  • financial grants for ministry widows, orphans, pastors, children’s toys, hospital care packages, funeral expenses, medical expenses, counseling services, etc.