MVP Leader Group

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Cincinnati Reds Win! A Fast-Break From Crisis

On June 7, 2019, life changed for the Bruce family as they watched 9 feet of water rise from a flash flood and wash 40 years of history and memories at Faithway Assembly of God out into the streets of Lafollette, TN. The damage had to still be assessed, but when you see the altars and pews give way, float and pile up at the back of the sanctuary in a heap, you know the place you’ve sunk your life into for four decades has changed forever. “It’s pretty devastating - I mean it’s heartbreaking you know?” said Pastor Steve Bruce in an interview with the Knoxville Sentinel, “but at the same time, we’re going to believe and trust the Lord, that God’s going to make a way for us. If we don’t have faith, we don’t have anything as Christians and believers. We’re going to put our faith into operation and start the rebuilding process step-by-step.”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) declared this 500-year flood plain area a category 5 disaster within days. Clean up and partial demolition started almost within the week. News interviews and questions about the future were fielded by Pastor Steve Bruce. No conclusive answers were able to be given while they waited on FEMA to come back with a decision on relief funding. To this date, this has been a futile exercise in patience as the answer has come back “no” on relief funds for the area.

Before the flood came, the family had planned a two-day getaway as a Father’s Day gift to see the Houston Astros play their beloved Cincinnati Reds in Ohio. The delimma was that the vacation was approaching and a decision had to be made on whether to eat the cost of the trip or take the much-needed respite from the monumental task staring them in the face. Wisely, the decision was made to go. After hearing about the situation, the MVP Leader Group stepped up and provided the trip at no cost.

This is our assignment at MVP - to honor, encourage and connect ministry leaders in fellowship. At times, our greatest need as a leader is a breath of fresh air in relaxation from the pressure and stress that is attempting to buckle and wash us away in defeat…But God.