photos by:
Javi Bates
Christian Life Church - Santa Fe, NM
Someone commented about a minister to me just this week and said, “I think he has PTSD.”
Now I’m not a licensed counselor or psychologist to be able to make that determination, but from everything I see and know about this individual, my untrained mind believes it could be so. The shock waves he has had to float on and navigate through have definitely taken their toll.
New Mexico Ministry Network - Pastor’s Honor Breakfast
After 35 years of ministry it feels like there’s not much I haven’t seen or heard. Shocking moments tend to be few and far between for a seasoned ministry leader. In fact, ministry can turn monotonously toxic if you don’t guard your heart and mind. You can flat out lose the love and joy of it if you allow your spirit to consistently bounce like a rubber ball between crisis, tragedy, failure and the normal stresses without mixing in a healthy amount of the good stuff. Spirit building solitude with God and his Word, rest, recreation and connection with family and friends are not to be looked at as electives. I’m here to tell you that these things are what will keep your ship afloat.
With these thoughts in mind, I want to pose three questions.
Question #1 - Who will you allow to help you?
God always uses people. The Body of Christ is made up of people. Who in the Body of Christ are you allowing to speak the presence of Christ into your heart? Again, I’m not talking about “you” listening to “you.” I’m asking, “Who, outside of your own voice, are you allowing to speak God thoughts into your head?”
Question #2 - What will you allow to help you?
You give out all the time. You’re the initiator of all things it seems. What will you allow to help you that you are not in charge of? I feel like I need to start a new ministry called “Control Freak’s Anonymous” because of the way we are as leaders. I emphasize the WE on that. Many times we don’t allow anything into our lives that we don’t start or initiate and then that adds to the loneliness and isolation in the dark moments.
Question #3 - When will you allow it to start?
We like to take shots at some of our followers for being aloof and stubborn, but I’m here to confess that we can be the exact same way in spades. Stop looking for a burning bush and a blinding light to speak and knock you off your schedule before you’ll receive a blessing or help. The sky is not gonna part and tell you to make room in your schedule for the “good stuff.” God is absolutely not gonna take control of your calendar and create more margin. You have to do that.
New Mexico Ministry Network - Pastor’s Honor Breakfast
My challenge is for you to open your heart, your hand, and your calendar to WHO, WHAT & WHEN you will allow God to do his good work.
MVP exists to do three things in and for you as a ministry leader. We don’t do this because we think you’re weak and about to cave all the time. We do it because God laid it on our hearts to do and because we want to make a difference. As you go, the church goes. As you rise, the church rises. You are the MVPs…
Terry Allen
MVP Founder