


A Poem By Joe Phillips, MVP Guest Blogger

Out of the ashes of a devastated soul,
Through the smoke clearing vistas of sinful toll -

Steps the Preacher written off long ago.
Publicly disgraced for his prodigal show.

He landed on the heap of Preachers tainted;
His shame was broadcast and the faithful fainted.

No one gets a pass from this nebulous shadow.
How’s he even standing in this infamous meadow?

Dilemmas, Distractions, and Detours in the Pursuit of a Dream

Dilemmas, Distractions, and Detours in the Pursuit of a Dream


Most people have a dream of what their life could be or should be, as opposed to what it is. Some call it a dream: others call it a vision. No matter what you call it, most of us have a ‘mental image’ of what we hope our life will someday become. When our reality is at least moving towards our dream; we feel a sense of satisfaction and well-being. But when our reality is nowhere close to our vision for the future or even moving in the opposite direction, we can begin to feel helpless and hopeless.

Pastor Greg Davis draws on personal experience and scripture to explore this common challenge facing many leaders in this dynamic and gut-wrenching blog post.